Sunday, June 15, 2008

Finnish Fashion Scene

Do some of these people realize how incredibly stupid they look? There's something to be said for individuality, but...
  • Pimpin' the Rick Nielsen. Click
  • "I hear the baglady look is all the rage this fall!" Click
  • She's actually pretty hot. The chick on the right ain't bad, either. Click
  • This guy wasn't cool in '81, and he still isn't. Click
  • You mean the wigger virus has spread to Finland, too? Click
  • I just... can't... god damn.... Click
  • DIO LIVES! Fuck yeah!!! Click
  • Due to an unfortunate reverse-spoon accident involving bandmate Billy Filth, he's now stuck this way for life. Click
  • The "anorexic vagrant" look is taking Scandinavia by storm. Click
  • Does this girl have a load in her pants, or does she just have a very big secret? Click
  • Influences? "The Bee Gees and Ali G." Click
  • "We've received another video from Al-Qaeda, sir. It appears the terrorists are now wearing fruity colors and have moved to Finland." Click
  • Not surprisingly, this guy spends a lot of time on his knees. Click
  • This woman hasn't changed her clothes since the day Nixon resigned. Click
  • If he were a president, he'd be Babe-raham Lincoln. Click
  • The kid on the right is cleverer than he seems. Not only does the drumstick net him chicks, but it doubles as a self-defense weapon when people constantly kick his ass for being a dweeb. Click
  • OK, she's attractive; I won't knock her. Or will I? Heh... heh. Click
  • "Hey, get the hell back in the cab! You're running up my fare!" Click
  • "Excuse me, sir. Perhaps it's not my place to meddle, but you seem to have a tree root erupting from your cranium." Click
  • "A whale of a tale and it's all true; I swear by my six-color tattoo!" Click

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